Finding Focus

July 26, 2012 § Leave a comment

Me behind my camera.

Me behind my camera. Taken 7/24/2012 with Canon EOS Rebel XS.

This is how people have seen me a lot lately.

Words still aren’t flowing freely for me, so I decided to concentrate on photography.  Where the Muses close one door they tend to open another, or least open a window.  I gifted myself a macro lens for my birthday, and thought, “Why don’t I try a 365 Project?”   A little over two weeks ago, on my birthday, I started my year of taking and posting at least one photograph to my Flickr stream daily.  It’s proving to be quite creatively nourishing.

I want to write here more, but I just feel so quiet, and I have to trust that.  Things are shifting.  Ideas are glimmering on the horizon.  But nothing is fully-developed yet.  It’s kind of par for the course when you figure out that you may not want what you used to want, when you’ve spent most of your life doing what’s expected of you and wake up one day and realize you’ve lost your own inner voice in the cacophony and you have to find it again.

In the meantime, photography is my creative focus.  I am shooting more than one picture most days, and finding it difficult to decide between them some days, so I’ll probably post my favorite outtakes here going forward, and maybe the ones I consider my top five 365 Project photos every month.

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